www.bestvape.ie is an Irish owned & registered website.
This Internet site has been set up to provide people with an alternative method to smoking tobacco cigarettes.
We believe in our products and our aim is to provide all our customers with a professional and reliable service.
We don’t compromise on quality and always strive to produce quality at affordable prices.
The electronic cigarette has no tar and none of the 4000+ nasty chemicals tobacco cigarettes have.
Electronic cigarettes do require 3 items to function… a battery, an atomizer/tank of some description and e-liquid.
Electronic cigarettes do not require ashtrays and have virtually no aroma, so your clothes, hair, home and car will not smell nasty.
Electronic cigarettes do not ignite, so they won’t burn anything and of course,
Electronic cigarettes do not produce smoke, they produce a vapour.
So, that’s what we do and why we do it. Now, you have a real smoking alternative.
That's good for you… and that’s good for everyone around you.
We will not claim the electronic cigarette is a healthy alternative for you.
We will simply supply electronic cigarettes and/or vaping devices and all their accessories to allow “you” to make that decision for yourself.
If you have any queries, please contact Paul at :
Phone: 01 8958300
Email: thebestecig@gmail.com.
Postal Address: Unit A, Lambay House, Main Street, Donabate, Co.Dublin
VAT No. 3597428B - Reg No.495642 - WEEE Reg No. 2031WB